2008"In The Winner's
March 22 2008: Tessa placed 1st to obtain
her Silver Award of Merit - MTOCH
& ATCH Crinan's
Not An Illusion ADC, AGDC, JWW Bronze Award of Merit
2007 "In The Winner's Circle"
AAC NATIONALS 2007: New ATCH (Agility
Trial CH) - MTOCH & ATCH Crinan's
Not An Illusion ADC, AGDC, JWW Bronze Award of Merit '
Tessa' placed 17th at the AAC Nationals
Sept 9/07 - ATCH & BRONZE AWARD OF MERIT at Royackers in Ariss
Barrie Show: New
Champion - Multi BPIB CH Crinan's Photo Shoot
Aug 5th - Judge: Mr. W. Thompson - Brice wins in style, WD, BW, BOB
& BPIB - 4 pts
Aug 4th - Int'l Judge: Dr. G. Bodegard - Brice wins WD, Best Opposite
& BPIB - 2 pts
Kawartha Kennel Club - Multi
BPIB Crinan's Inspiration 2 pts ( at 7 months )
July 8 - Ms. Heather E. Langfeld - wins BPIB (back to back Best Puppy
In Breed)
July 7 - Dr. John Reeve-Newson Cheyenne wins her first set of points
- Winners Bitch 2 pts & Best Puppy In Breed
Thanks to Shirley Perry for handling Brice & Cheyenne to ALL their
Aurora Show - Multi
BPIB Crinan's Photo Shoot 5 pts (at 9 months of age)
May 27 - Judge: Mr Hubenthal - "Brice" wins WD, BOS
& BPIB - 2 pts
May 26 - Judge: Mrs W Hubenthal - "Brice" picks up his first
set of points WD, BW, BB & BPIB - 3 pts
May 25 - Judge: Mr P Machen - "Brice" wins Reserve
KW Show - CSSA Booster: Crinan's
Photo Shoot (Multi BPIS CH Shelhaven Counterstrike ROMC x
Crinan's Caught In The Act)
May 20 - Judge: Mr. Thomas Burke - "Brice " wins Reserve